Thursday, July 23, 2009

Instead of Working, Part Two


Cedric Anderson said...

DUDE! That is SO RAD! Thank you for making it, Micah. Seriously so cool!

Hannah Stevenson said...

I'm so glad you did this Micah! I was bummed I missed it so that was perfect.

Britta and Julia said...

That is so awesome Micah! Thank you for putting that together. Where was Hannah during all that?!

Catie said...

totally awesome computers.

Elder and Sister Anderson said...

Very nice use of stills, video, music and editing. What a great event at the great family reunion.
Thanks, Micah!
Dad & Mom

Ruth and Jordan said...

Really, that was great, just like everyone said. Mega Dittos (as the Rush would say).
Great video.

Camille said...

Totally awesome computers. I am in love with you.

Phineas Jalyper said...

haha, that rocks, man. ROCKS with a capital X!